How to Install Landscape Lighting and Boost Home Value

How to Install Landscape Lighting in Orlando Electricity is arguably the most valuable resource we have in our modern society. Without electricity, most of the things we do and rely on daily wouldn’t exist. But beyond powering our homes and devices, electricity also enables us to create beautiful, functional outdoor spaces through landscape lighting installation … Read more



Our hearts were filled in Haiti What an amazing trip. Arriving in Haiti, we had no idea what to expect. or what the journey would bring. We were instantly received with smiles and warmth all around. The juxtaposition of beauty and poverty helps put life in perspective. If you get the chance to go, we … Read more



We never really know. We never really know where these trips will take us, or exactly what will happen when we get there. Each year is a brand new adventure. However, there’s a place that keeps calling us back, and we can’t resist the call. Guatemala! We have been there 4 times so far, and … Read more



Camp restoration? We’re there! So we were told there might some electrical challenges in this camp in the Bahamas. What do you think? Arriving at this island paradise was in experience, and our eyes were open to the beauty of the Lord’s creation. A lot of existing electrical challenges that needed to be addressed. Helped … Read more

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Pura vida is obligatory here, but.. why not? Another great experience in the incredibly beautiful Costa Rica where we were tasked with helping a church that had a need for some expert electrical work. This was more of a vision trip, but we repaired some electrical issues, built a sound system and helped plan future … Read more



What an incredible journey. We would have never imagined a 7,000 mile trip to Kazakhstan, but there we were. It was an amazing place that united all of us in a way that transcended cultural barriers, language barriers, methods, and more. What an amazing blessing to have the opportunity to join a great group of … Read more